Sunday, April 1, 2012

Math Fun

We love games over here.... especially FREE ones!  A couple math games that are a big hit are Add It Up and Subtract It, both from Confessions of a Homeschooler.  There are actually a ton of free printables on that site, most are perfect for preschool and kindergarten ages.  We'll be using this site a lot more for Travis in the next few months.

Here a few pics to show how the Add It game works.  We just use regular flash cards from the $1 spot at Target instead of printing and laminating the ones included with the game.

To play, you place your counters, or beans in our case, in each rectangle next to the number.  This picture was actually taken a few months ago, way back when she was just 4 years old. 

Then you take your little scooper and push all of the beans into the bottom rectangle to find the sum.
And there you go.  4 + 4 = 8.  Seems simple enough, yet this game can occupy the kids for a solid 30 minutes.  That is super important criteria!  Travis gets into it too, but I think he just likes playing with the beans...... and then pushing them off the table onto the floor.   We also play Subtract It, which is basically the same, only subtracting... obviously.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute!!! Thank you for posting this. It is a great way to stay organized with the beans. I am starting this with D and I'm sure he'll love it. :-)
