Monday, June 18, 2012

African mask and paper beaded necklace

While perusing my new favorite blog, Relentlessy Fun, Deceptively Educational, I came across a DIY African mask.  How perfect since we just read about Ancient Africa!  I could seriously spend hours reading her blog and would do every craft/activity if I could.  At least we have one item to scratch off the list so far....

We first did a google image search to see different pictures of African masks and learn a little background behind them.  Then I used a razor blade to cut apart 2 milk jugs and cut out shapes for the eyes and a mouth.  I admit I was in a bit of a rush and quite mad at the razor blade for not cooperating, so the masks look a little choppy.  The kids didn't seem to mind though. Once the facial features were cut, I spray painted one purple for the girl and the other orange for the boy, and let them dry while the kids napped.  I then set out some random crafting items we had on hand along with a couple bottles of glue and watched as the kids went to town on their masks.

 We stapled on a strip of card stock around the back to hold the mask in place, but I'm thinking we'll replace that with a piece of stretchy elastic instead.  Maddie's mask was in place where she could see out of the eye holes right before I snapped the picture...

While the kids were napping, I cut up a bunch of used pieces of construction paper into little triangles to use for 'beads' on the paper beaded necklace.  I would have normally had Madeline do the cutting, but she is getting over a stomach bug (again!) and was actually napping for an unusually long time.  I wanted this craft to be prepared for her to get started on whenever she was ready.   She took the base of the triangle and rolled the paper around the pencil.  A little bit of glue was placed on the point and pressed firmly to keep it all in place, then she removed the bead from the pencil.  Once there were plenty of beads made, she strung them onto a piece of yarn.  Travis strung some as well, but refused to wear his necklace.

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