Sunday, June 17, 2012

Africa - Anansi the Spider

Who doesn't love that tricky little spider, Anansi?  He's been well liked here ever since we read Anansi and the Moss Covered Rock a few months back.  Madeline was very excited to learn Anansi the Spider is a favorite character of African storytellers. In addition to 'Anansi and Turtle' and 'Anansi and the Make-Believe Food' included in Ch. 11 of SOTW, we also read the books in the picture below.  We've actually read them a number of times so far and I have a feeling we'll be renewing these items at the library in a couple weeks.  Both the kids keep bringing them to me to read, and I've even overheard Madeline reading them to Travis at bedtime after they've been tucked in. Love those sweet moments!

Since he is so popular at the moment, we decided to use materials we had around the house to create our own tricky little Anansi.  I cut up a cardboard egg carton vertically so 2 pieces are connected together for the head and body, and the kids painted it black.  When that was dry, they glued/taped 4 black pipe cleaners (cut in half for 8 pieces) for the legs, and added some googly eyes. KPOM!

I had fully intended to fry up some plantains, as they are an African staple food, but both grocery stores I went to last week were out of stock.  I didn't realize plantains were such a hot commodity in Lexington!  Hopefully, they will be plentiful when I go to the grocery on Wed and we will be able to have a belated African-style snack.

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