Monday, June 4, 2012


Last week, we went over to a friend's house to play and celebrate our year end co-op.  When it was time to leave, Madeline refused to help clean up.  I explained that it's very rude to not help pick up a mess that everyone has made, including herself, and especially since we were at someone else's house.  When we got home I suggested that she write Kasey an apology note.  Being naturally stubborn, she did not want to.  Later that night, I found out we were invited to another friend's house the next day.  When Madeline woke in the morning I told her the good news, and that we couldn't go until she wrote Kasey's note.  Maddie usually is concerned with spelling words correctly and regularly asks for help sounding out words.  She asked for my help and I told her this is her note to write all by herself and that I would help when she's all done if needed.  I'm not quite sure how I would have helped when she was finished, but that's all she needed to hear.  She huffed and puffed for about a minute, then wrote this:

There were no issues when I told her it was time to pick up at Reagan and Kennedy's house :)  Thanks to Kasey and Anna for having us over each day.  The kids always have a blast, and I have fun too!

We've been off and on again working in the Handwriting Without Tears book.  She'll usually go through a few pages at a time and then stop working in the book for a week or two.   Since her handwriting has noticeably improved lately and she does other writing in different subjects and for fun, I'm not too worried about it.  Here she is doing copy work of a poem that she loved. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm really impressed with her handwriting and spelling! Good job Madeline (and Mom)! Anna
